ISBN-13: 978-1-939994-72-1
Price: US $15.95
6x9, 216 pp
eBook ISBN: 978-1-939994-73-8
eBook Price: US $9.99
Dec 12, 2017
B/W Illustrations
As the most famous “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, escaped slave Harriet Tubman earned the nickname “Moses of her People” for leading scores of men, women, and children from bondage to freedom in the North. During the Civil War, she worked as a nurse for wounded soldiers, a caretaker of refugee slaves, and a spy and scout for Union forces. Late in life she was active in the fight for woman
Mythologized by many biographers and historians, Tubman was an ordinary but complex woman—tiny but strong, guided by her belief in God and religious visions, yet a tough, savvy leader whom the radical abolitionist John Brown admired as “the General.” In 2016, it was announced that Tubman would become the first woman to appear on U.S. currency—the $20 bill—in over a century.
Drawing on the latest historical research, Harriet Tubman For Beginners portrays a woman who resisted and transcended slavery and fought injustice her entire life. Beyond legend, she made her mark on history by defending core American principles—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—for others.
Annette Alston is a longtime educator in the Newark (NJ) public school system and has served as president the Newark Teachers Association. Her writings have appeared in the New York Amsterdam News, NJEA Review, and NJEA Reporter, and she is a past recipient of the National Newspaper Association Merit Award. Annette has a B.A. in journalism from Rutgers University–New Brunswick and an M.A. in Social Studies from Concordia University.
Lynsey Hutchinson is a freelance illustrator and musician from Edinburgh, Scotland. Her work was first published in the award-winning graphic novel 'Burke & Hare' (Insomnia 2009) alongside such celebrated artists as Frank Quietly and Rian Hughes. She is one of the creators behind the Southern Gothic anthology Bayou Arcana: Songs of Loss and Redemption (Markosia 2012) contributing the strip 'Grinder Blues'. Both Lynsey and her artwork appeared in the BAFTA-nominated 2011 independent Scottish film 'Electric Man'. You can check out her illustrations and music at www.thehoudinibox.com